Friday, April 29, 2011

Ladies And Gentlemen, The Chrisagis Brothers

The Chrisagis Brothers sing "American Man", one of their many patriotic songs. The Brothers are being booked all over the United States for all the Tea Party Gatherings. This song has become an anthem for this country to return to it's morals, values and integrity with God in the center of it all.

From our friends @ American Jesus


  1. Reader Betsy wrote in wondering why I would highlight the Chrisagis brothers on Religious Douchebags. She stated that she has had some contact with them and that "they have always been gracious, patient and kind with me" and "I certainly would not classify them as douchebags" and "I am puzzled as to why you would group these two guys in with the rest of the ilk".

    Betsy, I have never met the Chrisagis brothers and I have no reason to believe that they are "douchebags".

    I posted their video because I thought that it had some comedic value. I am in no way attacking them personally and certainly do not put them in the same category as most of the criminals that make it onto Religious Douchebags.

    They seem like fine, upstanding young gentlemen. I just happen to think that their singing is atrocious.



    1. They're like 50 years old and still live in their dad's basement.

    2. In this world many people live with their parents. They were very close to their family and took care of their sick mom who suffered strokes and had cancer. They then took care of their grandma and they have chosen to stay with their dad. They are good sons and good men. I know them.

    3. They are the two greatest men I know. God has blessed the world with these awesome godly examples. They are good role models of Christian living. I experience God everytime I look at them. You can feel God's love all around them. Actress Lindsay Wagner even said that when she was on the platform that she has never seen or felt so much love as when she met them. You haters hate them because God is so strong in them. They beautiful creations of God. The world is blessed by them.

    4. They travel so much why would they need their own apartment. They are never home. I have seen many celebs sell their homes too cause they don't need tyem. These guys lived in Oklahoma getting their schooling and they loved in Nashville working with actress Jennifer O'Neill and lived in California for a time. Why pick on every part of their lives. Why don't we examine who is behind all this trash.

    5. I have worked with these two men on tv projects and singing events. They make sure everyone is taken care of. Two of the most legit men I ever had the pleasure of meeting. They are actually good examples of the Christian faith. Not DB's at all. They put others before them. They learned that from a mother who did that. The problem is this world isn't like that. They are easy to be taken advantage of and I wish I could bust every one of you who have set out on this evil campaign cause they don't deserve it. All they ever did was love you all and took you into their hearts and you all turned on them. Jealousy is a killer. You better watch yourselves trying to hide in the shadows.

    6. Someone here mentioned about the former team of the brothers and their CD of music. The cover is hysterical it has the three sitting looking like that just ate possum. The plumber, the former teacher and the woman who is a sociopath. They recorded this high quality CD homemade and without paying copyrights. One of the songs should be The Squeal Like A Pig Medly with all three of them oinking. Truthfully they need to pay copyrights or go to jail and pay huge fines. While in jail that can enjoy the screwing treatment and Squeal like the pigs that are. The brothers were tuxes on their last CD and the CD orchestration was too notch and copyrights paid. So let's talk about the three pig DB.

    7. I so appreciate these two amazing men of God. They are gems to the world. I pray daily for them to stay strong in this evil world that destroy good people. These two are the brightest of lights to us all. I hear they maybe doing a comical movie soon. I hope so. They are priceless and good wholesome fun. They have more talent then anyone ive ever met or seen. They could of made it huge but they took care of their mother and dad when both parents nearly died. I was the home nurse that took care of their mom with them. They were the best sons anyone could have. Their mom and dad were on dialysis together. The mom had 2 strokes, cancer and it killed her kidneys. Both parents were going to die. Thank God, John, their dad got a new kidney. He loves his sons and very proud of them. They have traveled the world and done more than anyone I know. Their laughs are priceless. They bring my heart joy. Then they took care of their sweet grandmother. These twins chose family before career and fame. But they still make time for everyone. I looked them up on fb and here because I just saw them ministering to a nursing home. What sweet hearts these men have. Please show them love and respect. They give love to all. That will be on their tombstones. They have touched us all with goodness. Anyone who hates them really are pure evil.

    8. My family needed food and gifts for Christmas. Low and behold the Chrisagis Brothers show up on my doorstep with food, toys, clothes etc. What can I say but I have never met anyone better then them. They are God's gift to the world.

    9. Only the Devil Hates these guys. God sure loves them and so does everyone I know.

    10. It doesn't matter what anyone thinks, all that matters is the Chrisagis Brothers are written in the Lambs Book of Life. Question is , is your name in the Lambs book of Life??? Their salvation is not in question. They are Ambassadors for the Kingdom of God. Question is to all the haters? Are you ready to see Jesus if you die tonight??? I know the Brothers are.

    11. Love these wonderful godly handsome men.

    12. These guys are very good singers. The videos from certain shows the audio or even the lighting is not the best. Christian tv has a lack of funding. Depending on what show it is or what network. The twins have come to my church several times. They are always on key and harmonize beautifully. Their message is of love and they stir up churches with joy. The power of God comes through everytime. But like a model who demands great lights for pictures. Some singers would demand the sound to be better or they won't sing. These two are not difficult. They bring their own sound system but we as a church had our own so they agreed to use ours. Theirs probably was better but they are very easy going and give credit to every person and are very polite to the people running their sound. Several people they used to work with like both piano men were impossible to deal with. Not the brothers. Their hearts are too big to hurt folks' feelings. So no do not judge them by bad audio from a tv network. Those guys work hard and they are much more deep then either come over. They are class acts with churches, schools, and people.

    13. I used to do puppets with them for TV and churches. They are the greatest guys around. Loving outstanding men who have raised a standard on projects, music, ministry, and fun. But they surpass all in their walk with Jesus. All the churches know them and respect them highly. Actually there is no one that doesn't know them. They don't ask for attention, people are drawn to them because of the beautiful spirits they have that lights up the room.

    14. Brenda StevensonMay 1, 2017 at 8:51 AM

      The way the brothers dress is how Italian Men who were raised Catholic in the 70s and 80s dress. They actually are two of the best dressed men I have seen. They are picture perfect. They are entertainers. A lot of their clothes were given to them from Loretta Lynn's museums. They have jackets that were worn by famous country artists. They also buy some great looking clothes that are tailored looks for them. They wear the same clothes over and over so don't think they are clothes horses. They are sharp dressed men who carry off any look they wear with class. The brothers purposely changed their looks and styles so they would be different. You need to look at pictures of them and go to concerts to see they really are picture perfect and with great flare and style. They get stopped everywhere for pictures and folks know them all over the world because they have a unique look and style. They are eye catching and when you see these gorgeous man anywhere you take notice. Angela Primm was in concert and Bob Farrell put the guys in the front as his special guests. Angela tells the story she started singing Sweet Little Jesus Boy and looks down at these gorgeous guys and was thrown back by their looks. She almost couldn't finish her song. She thought they were Ken dolls come to life. So they grab the eyes of everyone in airports, resturants, and anywhere they go. Even voted most eligible by a L.A. magazine. So ladies you scorned ones just suck it up.

    15. There is something sick in the world when anyone would come against these two wonderful big hearted guys. I am was sick stricken with Aids and Cancer. The brothers got my email on facebook and they called and prayed over me. They didn't need to do that but that is who they are. I love them.

    16. I am a TV Producer and bring the Chrisagis Brothers in every year to do our TV Network. One year they brought two other guys with them one was a piano player that was drunk as can be and the other a tall guy with a huge ego. The Brothers apologized for these two guys behavior. But I told them don't worry, we love the Chrisagis Brothers. Those men jumped on the brothers ministry tails to get famous and it showed. The Brothers never knew what kind of guys these were. Most people in Christian Music aren't as good as the Brothers. They have a flawless reputation and we love them here. Every Network does. Glad they got rid of their band. Those guys were dragging the Brothers down.

    17. Their former team should be on this site as DB's that don't believe in Jesus is coming back. They don't believe in a hell. They don't believe the Bible is real and they don't believe Jesus is the only way to Heaven. They go around saying that are Christian yet believe very little of the Bible. They claim they have appeared on all these Christian shows but I'm reality that only were there cause the brothers good hearts that opened the doors and got them on and connected. What is sad is these folks formed a trip and have churches giving them money when they really are not into the Bible. The Chrisagis Brothers are deeply committed to the Word of God. They try to live it out. But these others drink, swear, look at nude pics, tell dirty jokes, and make Santa as important as Christ in Christmas. They lie and cheat. The piano player does jamboree and his singers do bars and whatever gives them name recognition. The brothers aren't like that. They try to live their faith and always give altar calls. They pray with everyone and the others just pose in pictures praying but really used to cuss when the twins forced them to pray.

    18. They force people to pray?

    19. These guys hardly live anywhere. They travel so much that they are in a different state every couple days. There is no one that works for the Lord harder then them. As for them not being on TBN, who cares. Does anyone watch that network?? Paul and Jan Crouch are jokes. They have never been considered godly people. The brothers are better off without that channel. Besides God has had the brothers on NBC, MTV, A&E, plus i saw where Kym Douglas is getting them on Hallmark. I am on both the brothers and Kym site. God has great things planned for these faithful brothers. They have already done more than anyone I know. To think they were expected to ever live. God is good. I love these guys.

    20. My ears are bleeding

    21. And yet you still have this under "Religious Douchebags." One would think you might have changed the heading after your follow-up statement. It pretty remarkable that you would even initially refer to "religious douchebags" in the first place. Smacks of baseless hate and they didn't even do anything to you personally. As for their singing, they've been quite successful doing it, so someone likes them. I think some famous singers are attrocious too. But I wouldn't refer to them as douchebags because of it. And the fact that you refer to these guys as "RELIGIOUS" douchebags, tells me that it's perhaps their faith that you take issue with--again, even though it doesn't hurt you personally.

    22. I was friends with them for years. I thought they were caring guys and used to call on them when I needed a spiritual boost. Then I started to notice how judgemental and homophobic they were being. When Chastity Bono transitioned into Chaz, they were constantly talking about him on line and referring to him as an it. They they started to call out Cher as a bad mom who was never there for her kids and that she was the reason that Chaz has no moral guidance and changed his orientation and how that spit in Gods face. That's not the Christlike love that I was taught in a family of ministers. Then came Madonna's Super Bowl Show. They were preaching that the whole thing was filed with Satanic references and it was Madonna's way to preach Satanism to the world. Come On - REALLY? We had several discussions about it and they knew I was not going to agree with them. So I was dismissed as not believing the "same God that we do" and never heard from them again. They preach their beliefs, not Gods and so any people lap it up.

  2. Atrocious is better than they deserve. They are looney tunes.

    1. The looney tunes was their former team. I worked on the TV reality show for A&E and those Brothers were handsome polite gentleman. Probably the nicest people I've ever worked with. But their former team got so big headed and wanted the show and to be paid bigger bucks then the brothers. A&E told the brothers that they didn't want the team but wanted the brothers only because the brothers really are stars in their own right and don't need anyone with them. After that the team went crazy and mean, they started calling churches against the brothers, started posting lies all over the Web against the brothers because the brothers are special guys and loved by all. They are easy going and never talk smack on anyone. They truly love everyone maybe too much. I told them they need to wake up because there are evil people that want to destroy others. The brothers one mistake is they live all and trust all. We hated to see the brothers hurt. The entire reality show crew loved them and still do. They are too good for these people and reality TV. It's in their DNA to touch lives. And may I say that is what they do better than anyone.

    2. This local plumber who used to sing with the brothers has had so many affairs. He screwed more than drains and toilets. He has screwed many women and he also had taken local women and charged them huge amounts after his services. He even got the brothers personal assistant fires from a church she worked for for over 30 yrs of selfless seevice. This nasty man better stick with plumbing and screwing screws cause he has many lawsuits out on him for bad stuff. A lady who runs a coffee house in wheeling even said he came on to get daughter who was underage. Now that is the real DB. The brothers are better off working with the celebs who cherish them and celebrate them and vice a versa.

    3. Every woman wants them as their husband or boyfriends. Even gay guys want them. They are too cute!!

    4. Most beautiful guys I know. There is no one better. End of story.

    5. They have had three assistants over the years. Debbie Lanch, Kama Martin and Lynda Sullivan. All three ladies still sing the brothers praises. If anyone knew the Chrisagis Brothers it is their assistants and not one has ever said a nasty word. They are all still in their lives and support the guys as much as they did when they first met up. Great seeing true loyal friends.

    6. Good guys with pure hearts and are great witnesses for the Lord. They are the best men I've ever known..

    7. The Chrisagis Brothers are the best. I don't know if there has ever been more genuine people then these. This site is another democratic hate site for those living for Jesus. The Bible says we will be hated for doing good. These two are as good as you can get. It's sad that two guys as wonderful as these have to go through hell because they live for Jesus unlike those who are doing this to them. Their old team needs to stop and leave them alone. Jealousy is an evil killer and I believe that jealousy will kill all of you who hate them for no reason... you are making up lies about them. But that is what this world has come to. Never has hate been so strong in the world. These brothers walk in complete live. I've never seen two better examples of God's love and forgiveness then these two. When you are around them you can feel God and when you are with them you can finally feel God's love. It makes you a better person just being in their concerts and presense. I love both of them and their sacrifice in living for Jesus. They have made a difference for the better to all who have met them. They are also changing Hollywood with their goodness.

  3. Joe needs to work out his anger issues. There are people who use and abuse in the name of GOD, but these guys do NOT. Others deserve to be on this list but not these guys. Lighten up a little Joe.

    1. Amen I agree lighten up. These two do not belong on DB"s. Why don't you go after televangelists that are filthy rich and former team members of ministries that would sell their souls to destroy reputations. That sounds about right.

    2. This is what the Bible says that in those end days good will look evil and evil will look good. The Chrisagis Brothers are as good as you can get and you all are hating them for it. That is sick. That is like hating mother Theresa. You cant. They are great men and every church sees it. Every legendary Christian Recording Artist sees it, every Hollywood legend sees it and now Country recording legends see it. Everyone loves them including God himself. I work at Perkins and the entire place lives them. When they walk in everyone runs to them they are that wonderful. I was working the night they walked in with 2 Grammy Award winners. One was Russ Taff and their old team was there in one of the booths. They wanted Russ to notice them so they were trying to sign their own tacky cd and give it to that great legend but how dare they. They try to steal and kill from the chrisagis brothers and then want to get the attention of legend Russ Taff. Really???? This old team that want to hurt the beautiful brothers are devils, self consumed ego perverts who hate good and want to destroy because they want all the attention. God will never bless these evil self proclaimed people. But He keeps raising up the faithful Chrisagis Brothers. Such beautiful wonderful men.the area and all who know them love these men.

    3. When you look up Christian men there faces come up. There is no better Christians than these men. We all love them. They are shiny vessels of honor for Jesus.

    4. Amen. God has blessed the world with the Chrisagis Brothers!!!! Yeah, Jesus!!!

    5. There are no words to say but Love, love, love these guys. They change everyone's life for the better. If you haters would come out and say your names you know the area would lose all respect for you. Because these guys are the most loved guys in the area. B.E. Taylor was never as cherished as these two wonderful men. He entertained but these two change lives for the better and travel all over the world. Their projects never stop. They are in great demand because they have put Jesus and others first. Powerful men of integrity.

    6. Lol! The truly, the biggest lie told on here so far is thaa they are good singers. They're garbage musicians and even worse people lmao biggest douchebags ive ever had the displeasure of meeting. Also, how long did it take you two BeeGee looking goofs to write all of these "positive" reviews about yourselves?

    7. No the biggest lie on here is that you act as if you aren't jealous of two guys. You are a singer who couldn't make it. They travel all over the world singing while you sit in local area ruining lives. Go take up the bottle and smile some more cigarettes you no talent. Even people who worked with artists like Sandi Patty came in and said get away from that entire group of heathens. They are not good at all. So the brothers keep going and you sing at local bars and local venues scamming others.

  4. I run sound for Club 36 (the show that the two brothers are singing on in the video), and I had the privilege of listening to and meeting them. Let me assure you, they can be serious when they get into their faith, but they have some hilarious stories and create a very relaxed atmosphere for those in the room.

    1. I have met them. They seemed genuine, funny amd told great stories that are touching. Very polite and the have deep faith.

    2. The brothers are good men. They started as youth ministers. They work hard for the Lord and do skits for the youth and many of their songs and videos were geared for the young. They have always had a heart for the less fortunate and the ones who are needy. Their ministry is just that it is ministry not industry or trying to be stars. This site was built against them out of a lack of understanding but was taken over by jealous former team mates who had no desire for God but to become well known celebs on the brothers hard work of yrs of ministry life. These idiots should have a website out up about them. They are the real DB's.

    3. The Chrisagis Brothers Mother was so dynamic that her funeral was one of the biggest funerals the area has ever seen. 5 of the biggest names of Hollywood were there and they all spoke highly of this grand woman. This is really a dumb site because it's a waste to read this stuff against these guys because it's all lies. The brothers are really good wholesome family guys. The nicest men you will find. This is a joke! It's like Crucifying Jesus. There was no reason for it. The jealous Pharisees did it because they hated Him because He was so good. Same thing here.

    4. How could anyone hate or mistreat such great men of God. They are amazing guys. Loving as can be and truly handsome from the inside out.

    5. I have to say these guys are angels or saints on earth. They really care about people. They live what they preach, which is never easy. But they are by far class acts. Their music changes lives. They minister from the heart which is refreshing in this day and age. The Chrisagis Brothers relate to all people. The ladies love them, the men respect them and admire them. The kids and teens want to be like them. There is nothing to say but that we all are thankful for them and to them.

    6. My husband and I have seen them many times and their concerts are inspiring. You sit there in tears from the stories the minister and the songs that stir you. You leave believing that God loves you and cares. You also just want to go up and touch them so that the joy and miracle that they speak on will somehow transform in us.

    7. Look up the word Christian or true Believer in the dictionary and the Chrisagis Brothers faces will be there. Look up moral and role models or filled with integrity, their faces will be there as well. There is no better godly men then these. They shine brighter then anyone. End of story. You all who lie about them are pitiful people and God will deal with you all for touching and lying about His sons the chrisagis brothers.

  5. It's beyound me why a person ,would say such things ! If they call they self a christian ,a real christian wouldn't slander another christian, its just not the thing to do. Judge and you shall be judged says the lord!

    1. They gossip worse than 12 year old girls. Once they used you all they can, they lie about you. It's why they have no long-term friends. No childhood friends. No meaningful relationships. They surround themselves by clingy, needy people for a reason. And talk about them the whole time behind their backs. They wrap themselves around these "ladies" in photo-ops because they think it's sexy and appealing. It's not. They are sick- and blame everyone else around them. They need another exorcism. (It's part of their testimony as kids.) someone needs to help them. Soon. Their recent stuff is so dark and scary. They think it's cute but it's sinful!

    2. All the info above by Anonymous on Sept. 29, 2014 IS TRUE! I was once "a friend" of these guys and they use, abuse, and backstab repeatedly.I invested a lot of time, money, and getting them gigs @ Christian events and they BACKSTABBED me right before a HUGE EVENT in Branson, Mo because they were not the featured singers at the 3 day event. They seclude themselves together (twins) at their home in Wheeling, West Virginia and in Ohio and "often blast and blame and accuse" other Christian performers of horrible stuff, especially Carman Licciadello.They NEVER keep long-term relationships with anyone and that is evidenced by their failure to get married (both of them) , THEY HAVE HUGE TRUST ISSUES~ where it stems from childhood and have a blood brother who lives in Arizona that they never speak to.They worship each other and each other only!They do surround themselves with "needy women" who lavish when they respond on facebook with all their "fruitless encouragement love talk". It is baseless and causes confusion to many a woman (me also) until I figured out their cat n mouse game. Don't you wonder why they are NEVER invited to be on Daystar, TBN, or other major Christian networks? They make fake_play videos for their own entertainment while proclaiming to be Christians.I have NEVER met 2 more useless, self-centered, crazy bi-polar twins who use JESUS and talk the talk......but NEVER walk the walk! These guys are the REAL SHEEP IN WOLVES CLOTHING we were all warned about in the Bible. What is awful is they will burn in hell for eternity because they are unrepentant, never sorry 4 their mistakes, and always blame others and BACKSTAB for their lack of trust, integrity, character, and reputation. Brian and Shawn Chrisagis~~~WARNING~~~You both better REPENT (turn the opposite direction) and admit your moral and Christian failures !! You two have blackballed, backstabbed, gossipped, lied, cheated, stolen, and committed lustful attacks on many people who trusted you! You BOTH NEED a REAL CHRISTIAN DELIVERANCE COUNSELOR who can address your demons first, and then counsel you to stable mental health. Above & Beyond Counseling on facebook has 3 clinics in Clearwater, Florida and they are the best at treating people like you. PLEASE SEEK TREATMENT & RESOLVE all your trust/backbiting/lust/backstabbing issues that have left you with FEW real friends and many many enemies in the CHRISTIAN RECORDING INDUSTRY. TRUTH~JESUS, WAY~JESUS, LIFE~JESUS.

    3. wow. Slander much? Since you are passing out judgement, you better read this: Psalm 101:5 "Whoever secretly slanders his neighbor, him I will destroy. No one who has a haughty look and an arrogant heart will I endure." Guess someone else had better repent. lol

    4. I've known them since they were born. There has never been a more wonderful sweet family then theirs.
      They are God's gift to the world. When they smile and laugh they brighten the world. They are total live. You all hate them because they are love. Their mom and grandmother were by far the greatest women. I went to the mothers Bible study. She lived and walked with Jesus. I have never seen a better family. Their Dad fixed my house, I didn't have much money to do it all and he didn't care. That is who they are. They are all loving. Their Grandmother used to run a store. Many could not pay for groceries and she gave them the food they needed... many were bed ridden and she came and cooked for them. These are saints on earth. You people need to get a life. The brothers are exactly what they say they are. They are followers of Jesus and they do it better than anyone on the planet. They are like their family. Good people. Their mom was an angel to wveryone, she would minister for Jesus to all who needed it. Her heart was so big and she had many miracles follow her. When she died the area lost a godly example of Jesus but her sons are her great legacy. She would be proud to see all they have done for Jesus.

    5. My best girlfriend had stage 4 cancer the brothers came and prayed with Earthquake Kelley and command cancer to be gone. The doctors gave her 3 months to live. She is now cancer free. These guys walk with Jesus unlike anyone else. You all need to just stop because they are the greatest two men I know. When they walk in everyone runs to them because of the light of God. They are loved everywhere they go and those who hate them is because they hate the Jesus in them. So they have to lie about these 2 amazing handsome men. I am proud to call them my friends. They solve every problem I've ever had with class and biblical principles. They have always prayed and guided people right that is why everyone stops to talk to them when they are out and why everyone wants to pray with them or even just say hi. You feel better when they are around.

    6. I was at a booking that they had with their former team. That team was a bunch of scum. They all came in acted like the were the most incredible talent that ever graced the earth. The piano players wife was dressed with her boobs sticking out and looked like an old hag. She complained about everything. Her and the female singer were both disgusting. They are two jezebels.

    7. Nanette FarnsworthApril 30, 2017 at 3:23 AM

      God is saying to these wonderful faithful twins / chrisagis brothers "well done, good and faithful servants. You did your best for me. They are faithful, good men and holy vessels like Joseph and the coat of many colors... he was thrown in a pit and sold by his brothers into slavery. They have been by those they considered their friends who were devils. But God is faithful and He has raised them to be Kings. What mighty Kings they are for the Kingdom of God. Love these men. They are gold for Jesus. God is raising them up and bringing down those evil people who pretended to be their friends. God is faithful... watch and see thus saith the Lord.

    8. They have more fans and supporters around the world then anyone I know. They are lambs that many have tried to slade because they are good people. Evil people hate good people. These are as good as people get. It would be smart for these guys not to be so friendly because most ministries like Joel Osteen, Amy Grant, Sandi Patty, Franklin Graham, Joyce Meyers only has one or two friends. But the Brothers have love for all and they pack the churches in weekly because they are so good. They minister better than any singing group out there. They may bring joy and a little performance at times, but they are strong ministers of God's Word. They minister better than anyone but live each Word. That is why God blesses them. He never will stop blessing th because the more faithful the vessel the greater the anointing and favor. Wowza, are they faithful. Look at all the blessings coming. They have blessed all who know them and those who don't know them personally but know of their ministry. The Chrisagis Brothers don't need to prove anything, their lives and hearts prove their God's men in every thing they do. I thank God for them.

    9. Why isn't there more kind and loving folks like the Chrisagis Brothers. They recorded a variety show for new tv series. The skit is the Flusher and they are dressed up in outfits with a toilet on stage with them. Angela Primm is the Flusher and they flush out the true Christian. Great concept. At the end of all the weird and funny characters the Flusher who was critical and nasty about all the contestants gets flushed. They posted about this on their Facebook support page that is way over 10 thousand supporters. I love the way they think. We as people need to be less critical and more loving or we are guilty and can be flushed. Let that be a lesson. They are also working on a new reality show and a documentary and movie. Lots of fun stuff ahead.

    10. The only sinful thing about these two wonderful handsome men are they trust everyone as friends to be just that friends. They are lambs but are lions in the kingdom. The wolves are out to kill them and many of the haters here are those wolves that went in for the Kill but God in His great love for these faithful servants protected them from you all. I don't know why anyone would hate the finest Christian Leaders of our era. But the Bible says God's true people will be hated for the cause of Christ. These guys have the love of God no other person has. They will hug and pray with each person in the church, hospital and any location. They can't even eat dinner in peace everyone wants them whenever they go to a restaurant. It's amazing and beautiful to see such loved servants of God. My family and friends all adore these guys.

    11. Love the brothers. They told us supporters about this site. I find it to be hysterical that former haters who used to be former users are posting lies about the brothers. Seriously you used them for years and wanted fame, recognition and celebrity. You loved them with worth true wolves in sheep's clothing and then when they saw through your evil ways you try to post here and act like you know them so well. Go use someone else. You will have less success then with the brothers. The twins aren't slow at all. They are brilliant man but very slow to cast judgement so they keep toxic folks in their lives way after they know the truth. They believe they can make folks change and if they show them love they will love back. Toxic liars and backstabbers should be removed long before what the Chrisagis Brothers do. They are way too kind and patient and as i said way too slow to judge. You folks are bullies who know the brothers won't fight back. Well their support team will.

    12. The Chrisagis Brothers do more good for our area than any one else. They put on their own events and pay for the events to be top notch shows. The Legends who come in from CCM look forward to always working with the brothers. They pay on time, the have events that run perfect without good ups, they are true professionals. They raise awareness of each celeb who comes and treats them like kings and queens. The have revived our area that are made up of steel mills and coal mines that have shut down. They make ticket prices easy to pay at prices folks can afford with talent that is off the charts. They work with only the best. They have revived many careers of CCM artists and movie and tv personalities. What they personally have down with so many is gone the extra mile for all the people. Joe Penny said that their reputation among the Hollywood crowd is impacable and they have been in such high praise over how they treat these folks. They have every yr a group of CCM and Hollywood folks calling on their help and wanting to be a part of whatever they are involved with. Why? Because they treat others so incredible and give folks respect. That is all I can say. These guys are the real deal.

    13. Tend to agree with the first 2 not so positive replies of the brothers. I knew them for many, many years and they aren't what they appear. Well, let me say, Brian is not what he appears whereas Shawn is a sweetheart who tries to get Brian to shut his mouth.

  6. Hey! They should play jesus, they have that look!''''''''''''

    1. They could play Jesus. They are true gems

    2. They could play Jesus because they live for Jesus and act just like Him too. If you see them you see Jesus. You can tell you are in the presence of the Lord. I have told the Brothers to post on here the names of the haters and tell everything but they wont. But if the haters continue then I urge them to come out with the names and why these people are doing this. Believe me these people have so much sin in their own lives that they are trying to destroy two people who are holy vessels of honor. I'm a lawyer and they have every right to name names if you all keep slandering them.

    3. Did you see the Hallmark channel had the Chrisagis Brothers on its Home and Family show? They were great on it. They don't need the local yokles. They are like the Property Brothers such great fun. Live seeing brothers have fun and work together. I hear they may have Selleck and Gibson on their radio show as well. Good for them.

    4. No. Neither has anyone else.

  7. They are awful. they need to get real jobs and help their father.

    1. Your an idoiot. They do have real jobs and it is serving the Lord. They are full time ministers. You are a full time liar and shit stirer. You are probably some chic who is upset cause they dumped you or one of their ungrateful no name backup group that do plumbing on the side or spend your day destroying others as a wanna be Karen carpenter who has no way of getting out of the valley. Go smile your cigarettes and get on with your psychotic life.

    2. They have real jobs and they work 24/7 harder than anyone. They are always doing ministry. These days it's hard to schedule them because they are so busy from morning til night. They also travel to every state and out of the United States as well. They are the busiest people I know. I'm proud of them. This site against them wouldn't even be around if they were so popular. Let's face it, you hate these guys because they are popular and loved.

  8. Hi Joe - Let me tell you a hit this one right on the center of the nail head! They are total DB's and have sadly taken advantage of many people in their community. They make claims of miracles when in fact the only miracle is that they have survived life without a helmet...maybe their wigs are their protective gear...who knows? Horrible fake DB's who hide behind religion. Sadly they are still getting attention but one day, they know it will end and they will have to face the fires of their own lies and deceits

    1. the brothers are NOT Christians ..but they claim it..just to support themselves..claiming Ministry,,they can't ride to Heaven on their mother's apron strings~~they have to stand before GOD..on their own..without their posse...

    2. You all are slender whores. Why don't you come out and be honest you didn't get famous off the brothers. You used them and abused them. Now you are jealous of any success they have so destroy them. You need to repent.

    3. The real DB's are the former team who were having affairs with each other and didn't care cause they treated the brothers ministry as a las Vegas career. The brothers didn't agree with it and then all this happens. So you can see the revenge these people are trying to take on them get over it.

    4. These two guys are the best Christians I know. They are the Donny Osmond and David Cassidy of Christian music. It's good to have men like them in ministry. Everyone loves them. There's nothing not to love. Their life story is the greatest inspiration story, I've ever heard. They know the Bible better then any Pastor and their strong convictions stand tall in a world with no values. Infact, they have taught even the best of Pastors truth in love and their teaching on the emerging church are eye opners. They are led by the Holy Spirit better than anyone we have seen. They are solid for Jesus and that is why He has lifted them up in ministry and in the world. They have brought hollywood stars to Jesus and made those stars solid Christians. Not easy for anyone to do. If either ran for politics we would support them. No matter what they do, we will support them because their steps are ordered by God. They speak only truth and do it all with love.

    5. The brothers prove over and over that God uses the humble and the ones who know where their credit goes back to. Some folks have talent and some have an anointing on their lives. The brothers have both but they surrounded themselves in the past with only those who by man's standard were talented but in God's eyes had no call or purpose in ministry. That is why you see the nasty stuff on here. These guys are talented but beyond talented are humble men who are anointed by God. When they sing a song it brings healing and peace. The former team hates that cause they keep going. Your support team of over ten thousand on Facebook are cheering you both on. Don't allow a group of scan artists who have only 700 likes on their page get you down. How has you both and your talent, anointing and hearts speak louder than their nasty remarks and venum.

  9. I see some of you KNOW the Chrisagis brothers! From many of your statements, I can tell they have scammed you like they have so many others. You are right, someday they will run out of people to use and get money from. The numbers have already dwindled. There will always be people who fall for the act. Lets face it, they are good at playing the good, moral, caring, innocent "ministers" but eventually you learn. I don't know of anyone who has remained friends with them for several years. They go through groups of "friends" so quickly and easily that you don't even know what hit you. Where is that dear, dear, precious friend they loved so much? Hmmmmmm...Give them money though or do something to help them and they will be your bestest buddies.....until you are no longer of use (or ask them ANY questions)and then you are gone. Oh, and it will be your fault because they do nothing wrong. Absolutely nothing. Don't lose heart though. If they don't pay for their dirty deeds (in the name of God unfortunately), the good Lord will judge them appropriately in due time. Sadly, when you are a sociopath, you feel justified in everything you matter what. The only thing I'm not sure of is the "Promiscuous Sexual Behavior/Infidelity". I don't think ANY of us want to "go there". Its not a pool we want to stick our toes in. lol They really are a fascinating study though!

    1. YOU SPEAK TRUTH HERE! I was one of their "fake girl friends" for barely 2 years. They lied, cheated, stole, gossiped, backstabbed, and almost ruined my ministry. These 2 bipolar sociopath twins cannot EVER BE TRUSTED because they trust nobody but each other. I posted a LONG LETTER ABOVE regarding Brian and Shawn Chrisagis! GO READ! Have you ever wondered why they are NEVER invited to be on any Christian major networks? Daystar, TBN, Word Network< etc. Why they have never been married but continue to live with each other at their home in Wheeling, Virginia or Ohio. They stay put in those areas and very rarely venture outside those boundaries. I would guess due to ALL THE CHRISTIAN supposed friends they have BURNED, there is a trust issue where they believe someone will kill them. These 2 guys are sick sick! They need real deliverance treatment and I offered the best ~~~Above & Beyond Counseling , Clearwater , Florida! They need to be delivered from all their demons first, then counseled regularly on all their root trust issues. WARNING! Brian and Shawn Chrisagis~~REPENT NOW or BURN FOR ETERNITY! You are NOT the "Christian Jesus Gods" you lead so many to believe! You both have very few friends , if any , left on facebook, and in real life! You have burned barbies (needy women), Bad guys (men who wont fellowship with you sexually, and guns. If you are reading all these posts by all of us who have been a target by you both......there is time to repent! The way~JESUS, The Truth~Jesus, The Life~Jesus!

    2. You all are phonies. The brothers would never hurt anyone. You all are such pitiful liars. They treat women better than anyone can. It's sad that after the brothers went on without that band that was holding them down because those folks weren't Christian, God blessed the brothers. Because they are holy vessels of honor. They have dated lots of women but have not settled down because they are too busy serving the Lord. Many woman have tried to marry them and even get wedding gowns and claim God told them to marry the guys. What godly men would marry such crazy bimbos that do that. Don't lie to these folks and claim such evil things against the two most wonderful men God has created. We look at all the evil in the world today and it is good to see two men like the brothers who have big hearts, are gentlemen through and through and treat ladies like ladies and treat everyone with love and goodness. Leave these two alone, you all are haters because they are too good and above your kind. You all are devils to post such lies against such classy handsome men that shine from the inside out.

    3. You said you were a fake girlfriend and you sure are a fake. You never had a ministry but wanted there's. You all act like you know them. I can tell you that the games are the liars who make up a bunch of stories. Do you sleep well at night knowing you are a liar, that you slander, that you break ten commandments, that you kill reputations. You are some cheap excuse for a woman to come on here and make up your lies about two men who I've been friends with for a lifetime. These folks who say I've known them and destroy them you all are faked trying to stop the work of two of the hardest working men on the planet. But God won't let you. Go destroy and bully some other men of God. You will have a pay day for the lies you spread. This same person along with their former band show up at resturants and when these twins are with a Grammy Award winner they try to get noticed. They allowed you miss blonde fake to get a pic with him. So what is fake is your entire life of lies. You are a two bit bimbo like their former band. Go screw yourself lady.

    4. Btw. The fake girlfriend is such a liar that she is a blonde with a son who both are fake prophets. The woman worked at a hotel in moundsville and said she was raped several times. She also want our with brothers and decided when brothers out her in her car as gentle that always walk women to cars. This crazy lady claimed three to four men tried to take her within seconds of the brothers making sure she was safe. The woman then proposed that she was to marry one brother and sing in their group. She claimed all kinds of nutty things. She has been dismissed from so many jobs and churches but she now is back at her sisters church and always the victim. She is a fake person. Beware men cause she does this on regular basis.

    5. Smart people would only have 3 real close friends because when you have too many it breeds evil. God seperate the guys from you evil people that is obvious because they are too good for you haters. They are so loving I wouldn't want them around you all.

    6. I'm so proud of these guys. The person who wrote above must be lucien himself because those haters are posting lies and hate. They probably were at the women's march claiming that it's okay to blow up the white house. You haters need a life. These brothers are in full time service and ministry. I for one don't know how they keep up. This week alone they have 8 bookings. That is unreal. I know because I'm part of the Caregivers show they are doing and on their facebook. They do two shows in one day, and two another day, then do a radio show and the National day of prayer and then leave two New York and do 3 churches there. Next week they are in Texas. Now that is a tough life but they do it and do it better than anyone. When do they sleep or rest? Powerful sweet men.

  10. Hmmmm. Very interesting.

    1. Haha what did they scam you for??? They claimed you all had talented??? Haha they are nice to everyone. They never even ask anyone for money so don't tell me you were scammed. I know them and worked with them for years. They never even loose their temper. You never will see evil in them. They are pure through and through.

  11. I know them personnally, They are definitely scam artists..I was taken by them too.

  12. Brian and Shawn use people to their own gain..then they throw them away..and get new friends...

    1. They have kept all their true friends. They still have all the celebs they ever worked for and their child hood friends. The also have true friends for the last 26 yrs it's just the ones who wanted to be famous and would stab their own mother in the back and some have. There is a former girl who worked for them and if you watch the old videos she is singing louder as a backup singer on the song You Raise Me Up then the twin singing. She was always trying to become a star and she dressed like a tramp in their ministry. Check it out she was overbearing.

  13. Ohhhhhhhhh I want in on this conversion.I know them too.the Chrisagis Brothers are NOT Christians, they ARE sociopaths ! Stay away from them ! They are skilled in whining and gathering money from other people so they don't have to do any real work ! (They get other people to do it) They LOVE you until they have used all of your resources up and then they get a new set of friends who they use to attack you ..always whining and putting the blame on someone else..what's sad is they use CHRISTIANITY as a tool to get money...calling it ministry.

    1. This is SO accurate!!

    2. TRUTH!!! Read all my longgggg posts about the brothers above! Real sheep in wolves clothing! They have used so many people on facebook(both guys used to separately have 5000 plus friends each) now barely 400. THEY LIE, CHEAT, STEAL, GOSSIP, BACKSTAB, and hurt anybody who gets in their way of making money for doing absolutely nothing! NEVER invited by Daystar, TBN, Word Network, or any other Christian stations because they have backbit so many people and nobody trusts them period! These 2 twin guys have never married (trust sociopath, and bipolar issues) and only trust and live together.Their hidden lustful lives of fornication with other men and each other will be made public ......the Bible declares it so! All of the people they have scammed in the Christian community cannot even stand to hear their names! BRIAN and SHAWN CHRISAGIS of Wheeling, West Virginia and Ohio~~~~REPENT!!!!

    3. You are a liar with a hidden agenda. The Brothers have won favor with tons of Hollywood legends and Christian Music legends. They are loving good men who have made a difference in many lives. The stars who have been on their radio show has bragged about the brothers. These stars out their name on the brothers and you no names are out to destroy and lie out of Jealousy. You can try to discredit these genuine men who love their best for God but you can't destroy their favor God has given them. They are anointed by God. Big names folks sing their praises and they have friends all over in the entertainment field defending them. So you evil former friends who are jealous of their success you have no power and no life. Buzz off and start doing something good for others and repent yourselves.

    4. The Chrisagis Brothers have 7 websites with 5 thousand each site. Check your facts, they had to delete to get more people who really wanted to be on their pages. They have never gone down to 400. You all need a life. I'm on their pages and their fan site that has 9,954 people on it and growing daily. You people just want to trash them but look at all of us who truly love them. There is nothing to hate about them. They are fun loving men with huge hearts and personalities. Good looking and humble. Very talented and for that they have jealous liars against them. Get lives people.

    5. The only thing the brothers are guilty of us trusting a bunch of you with their hearts. You don't deserve friends like the Chrisagis Brothers. They are way too good for you scumbuckets. They have hearts of love and pure gold. They both are very fun to hang with too.

    6. I think they are gay


    1. The support for the brothers is greater than a group of jealous local people from the sticks. They are loved they have a hit radio show with celebrities asking to be on their show. The guys are incredible you don't get names to be on radio like this and to talk about God and their faith. There really is something very extraordinary and supernatural about the favor these two men have with Hollywood legends, country and Christian legends. It isn't the norm but for those two saying Lindsay Wagner called us today or posting Dolly Parton will be doing an entire hour chat on their radio show is just a regular day in their lives. It has caused many folks to come out of woodwork and want to be friends of these men. Plus so many projects are given to the Chrisagis Brothers from tv stuff to movies. This is total God cause these guys live in Ohio but have drawn all these celebs to their purity of heart and their sincerity shines through their eyes as well.


    1. What is funny with this stuff is they have never scammed anyone. They don't ask for money. They do love offerings. They give more than they get. I worry about them because they need to take care of themselves better. They are always running for everyone. They wear all kinds of crazy clothes and wigs for their skits. They were children's pastors and keep the kids entertained. They still do that on their videos and tv specials. Let's face it you all are crazy jealous of these fine men. They are the most wonderful guys. My children grew up on their music and they all want to be just like them. I can't think of two better people for them to follow. As for their Dad is wonderful and gives to their ministry as every father would. They help him with the bills as well. Let's face it you all are people from the area they tried to help. You all used them and tried to get on their coat tails. You hate them because you all can't go anywhere. You aren't talented enough. But these guys are. They have more talent and more anointing and favor then anyone I've ever seen. Grow up people. Your hate and lies show how nuts you are. They don't scam anyone. They pray with people. They give out more cds and they even gave their plush toys to all the children's hospitals for free. They need to make money and should but they are like mother theresa, always caring, sharing and giving.

    2. Jesus would be writing all your sins in the sand right now. You all have so many stones and lies about the brothers. And you all bully them. Let's be honest your a bunch of no talent singers, a bunch of local musicans, a bunch of scorned people who are jealous and didn't get your way. The brothers have made 6 or 7 cds and I saw one cds of this tacky former group. They look like hicks that need to dress up and stop looking so dumpy. Their CD was homemade and tacky. With songs these three threw together. So no one will hire them and no tv network will get them. They dont own the rights to the songs they recorded and never paid for the copywrites. Now we are talking DB's. The brothers made first class cds and paid huge money for all of the cds and made them classy and own the rights.

    3. You people who mock the brothers need a life. Go pick on Benny Hinn or Rick Warren or Joel Osteen. The Chrisagis Brothers are good to the core. They stop and give food to the hungry, they cloth the needy, they hug the unlovable or the ones no one would care about. They love all people. They have been a bridge to all people. They go into hospitals and sit with the dying, the Aids patients, the ones with cancer. They give much more than anyone I know and are worn out by the end of the night because they are always running to love others. They are good to the core. Not many like them. Their mom taught them the acronyms of FAMILY was forget about me I love you and they live it daily.

    4. These are two of the nicest guys on the planet. They are nice to all colors, races, sexes, they are the hands of God and the voice of God to this crazy world. Their one mistake is being too good to people because people then abuse them. Why??? Because most people are pure evil. Not these guys. They have a legacy of goodness you can see and feel and know. Their enemies hate them because they can't be as good as the brothers. Let's face it these guys are not dough bags but filled with God's love and joy. They have always loved bringing joy to others. Their music videos are done to bring laughter because the brothers love to be fun. Like the Property Brothers they are fun, creative and love to entertain. They don't take from anyone and they aren't ones who are self consumed. They laugh at themselves and make the world a better place.

    5. What blows me away is that the former team of low lives get away with writing bully stuff on sites. They have no support team at all that have like local folks who don't fill up churches for these phonies. They are three old men now and one heavy red headed songbird who are past their prime trying to scam people. They think folks are stupid when they read lies about the brothers. After so many posts the reader catches on to a smear campaign by jealous folks who didn't get what they wanted and aren't worth having their own website cause no one knows who the hell that are. Just a old piano player with the intituals R.R. and three old farts trying to scam others and shut down the twins. Go sing This Little Piggy Polka to go along with your classy behavior.

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. How dare you people besmirch the Chrisgaii. Many have mistaken their passion for subterfuge. I know them well. They're great guys.

    And trust me, I'm the last person on the planet who'd be taken in by religious hucksterism.

    1. You are one who will learn the truth the hard the rest of us.

    2. You may know them, but I guarantee you don't know them as well as you think you do.

    3. I listen to their radio show and love them. They are refreshing. I love how the famous Hollywood folks share their faith with the brothers and many credit them for leading them to Jesus... others brag on the brothers by saying they have been genuine men of God to them. I love it. You no names won't use your names and you got Hollywood folks like Erik Estrada, Jennifer O'Neill, Jack Scalia, Lindsay Wagner, Joe Penny bragging on the guys integrity and how they have influenced their lives for Jesus. You have Dolly Parton being a guest on their radio show and Cheryl Ladd. All these stars are talking about these brothers in a good way. FAMOUS LEGENDS FROM HOLLYWOOD and famous CCM artists all talking highly about their friends the brothers and how they love working with them. How the brothers have revitalized many of the CCM artists careers... how they give constantly to others. The brothers are two humble men who never asked for these folks to start bragging about them on the air but they do. They have relationships with some famous people for over 26 yrs. These people defend the brothers and you all try to discredit them. You people who can't control the sweet hearted brothers anymore decided to control what others think of them. But you can't stop their anointing and favor. So go pick your noses and scratch your behinds and go back to your desperate lives and watch the brothers succeed some more.

    4. Funny how the other group that hates the brothers post all this crap and lie on their own website. The girl claims to of been on Babie Mason show but never was. The Brothers were on these shows. Such a crazy lady who just wants attention. She claims she sings like Barbara Streisand too. What an ego she has. All her TV connections were the Brothers. This shows the evil of that ungodly trio, who tried to destroy these wonderful brothers.

    5. That bimbo woman that used to sing with them was no lady.

    6. Hi Brian, Hi Shawn.
      You overdue for an assbeating.
      See you both soon, cowards.
      Cant hide forever like you guys do on the internet.

      Best regards. EE

    7. Brian and Shawns Big BroJune 9, 2017 at 12:02 AM

      Hey EE... actually a "coward" is someone like yourself who throws out anonymous threats... But, in case you feel froggy.. Brian and Shawn have a brother who says, if you want to beat someone up.. "try me punk". Yeah.. you won't like it. B-)

    8. Why the hall don't you evil trio of satan leave these guys alone. Your jealous cause they continue to have friends in high places so you all who have friends in low places try to lie about them. Just leave them alone and get on with your miserable lives.

  18. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. These men are two of the greatest ministers and friends I know. They live for the Lord and walk daily with Him. They are God's anointed vessels of honor and everywhere they go they are l9ve and highly favored. God blesses every thing they do and guides their path making it a success. They have run a good race and will win the crowns of Glory. Their goal is to know Him and to make Him known. There is no reason to debate these godly men. They are the real deal and the best of the best. God has blessed us to know them for 14 years. They are constant and steady in all areas of life. I love them and I wish more people were like them. If they say something you can take it to the bank. They are God's men.

  19. Anonymous, your words and thoughts on the CB may be correct, but at least have the balls to list yourself as something other than "anonymous." It gives your words more weight. That's the worst thing about the Net; people like you can hide, fire away at anyone and everyone else, and never have to "man up"--they just keep hiding in the shadows. Identify yourself, take constructive criticism, or shut up. I'm Gregg Tinsley, my real name......

    1. The brothers are true men of God. You all are liars. I worked with them and was like family. Not one of you are telling truths but are angry cause they wouldn't put up with your evil in their lives. Pitiful people who rant on websites as bullies.

    2. The brothers Christmas CD has an amazing orchestra from the gaithers on it. They have such amazing connections and have been on all the Christian channels including TBN. The twins had Angela Primm sing a duet with one of the brothers. They replaced that local girl singer and local backup group with gaither people so you all are upset. These guys were destined for greatness and you are a bunch of evil jealous people I call you evil doers. The duet is amazing and so is cd. So keep being jealous they have fulfilled their call and dream.

    3. I love these guys!!! They are the real deal. Nothing phony about them. I grew up on their music and funny tv variety shows on Sky Angel. They will look stupid, dress in costumes, wear wild wigs, or fall and trip to make people laugh. They are the Dick van dyke of Christian music... they are the Jerry Lewis or Jim Carey of the Christian world but always having love at the bottom of it all. They will do anything to get love, joy and goodness spread around. Their music is first rate. They could be like Amy Grant, Michael W. Smith etc but they choose to be fun and loving not taking themselves seriously. That is their own choice. They are the male version of Laverne and Shirley if need be to win a child to love and laughter and Jesus. Their tv shows have been magical to my childhood and I pray they continue making great entertainment for us all to love..
      Not laugh at them but with them ad they have truly laid down their lives and egos to entertain us. They actually are powerful life changing speakers that I go to hear. They are moving into more Pastorial speaking these days. They do it wonderfully because they have a heart for people that is rareally these days.

    4. One of their former band members called my home several nights straight not telling me their name but trying their best to destroy the guys reputation. These people tried to destroy every chance that ever comes the guys way. The former band are miserable people with messed up lives. They have had affairs, group sex, drugs and are a bunch of drinkers who wouldn't take accountability so they are full of envy and want everything the twins have.

  20. These guys used to "job hop" from Retail jobs to food service to freelance work of almost any kind. They ask for "love offerings" when they have "concerts" or shows, this offering goes right into their pockets, every tax-free penny. Yes, they're spiritual but so am I, but I am gainfully employed and work very hard but also make time for my faith. These guys have taken it to the extreme and have actually gone so far to believe they're prophets of some sort, it's gone to their heads and it's not healthy. Go to their shows if you want but do not donate your hard earned money, it will go for more of their hair dye and make up, they go through A LOT.

    1. You are such morons. They do love offerings and they are good to people. You all are jealous cause you are either a lady who wanted to seduce them or spiritual manipulate them like some ladies have done... there was this blonde chic that followed them and get and her son always tried to say God told them this and that. The blonde chic was nuts and she claimed she was their booking person as well as a girfriend who was marrying one of the brothers. They had a ton of ladies claiming stuff. Or you are a member of the band the formaly formed... they only had one real band but they can't pick an honest or good person for anything. The brothers love everyone and trust everyone. So they got some people who they thought were talented but really they were just local talent that were not all that. The piano player which they had two different ones but both turned out to be nutjobs. One was always drunk and didn't even believe in any bible stuff the brothers were teaching. They had two women in group and one was a blonde who thought she was Sandi Patty but was a crack head and the other was a brunette who tried to seduce everyone. She were such trampy outfits for a ministry. Then two guys who sang and were tall. The men were both prideful jerks who acted like they were amazing super stars. The tall guy with the curly hair and mustache was an elder in his church and a plumber who couldn't really get to the big time. So all these wanna bees attached themselves to the brothers and backstabbed them out of jealousy. They really are trusting guys who have had a hard time with evil jealous demonic folks who want to destroy them. You wolves in sheep's clothing and liars are probably one or all of these nuts and no names. So get over it. They moved on and you all get to to a chareoke bar and sing.

    2. They never job ed hopped. The brothers worked hard for Staples and the Belavia. What is wrong with that. You hate them because they work... you then say they don't work. You people are tacky trash and scum. The brothers also worked with Hollywood's elite and worked and traveled with celebrities. They worked round the clock for 4 stars for 15 years plus they have had a ministry for over 30 years. They worked on candid camera. Hmmm sounds like some of you are jealous. They have also been on many magazines so who are all of you talking about??? Get facts straight. I know them well because I am best friends with their dad. They are amazing guys and everything they do is for God and others. They are first rate class acts. Every ministry booking changes lives. Their music and hearts are the best I've ever seen.

  21. These guys are two of the worst DB's known!! To call them fake is being too kind. They lifestyle they portray is definitely not the lifestyle they live, It's sad that so many have fallen prey to their sad, desperate, attention seeking ways. They are, without a doubt, two of the most UNtalented people I've had the mispleasure of meeting. HORRIBLE!!

    1. I was dying spiritually, these two brought me everlasting life in Jesus. They continue to hold me up in prayer... they are faithful servants of God. Never been anyone better. You all who hate them must be devils. Because only devils can lie and hate men like these.

  22. What is even more amazing is that ANYONE would support such mediocrity.

  23. I'll remain Anonymous so that it is not associated with the radio station that I work for. From an industry point of view, since this is the first time I've heard them, they have poor tone and vocal control in this video, a very 70/80 look about them. I know executive producers of Christian Television that wouldn't have them as guests based on this performance. It looks to me that they are marketing themselves based on a concept, not quality of performance -- can't say much about their ministry since I don't know them

    1. You haters are such jokes. This must be the new trend of devils like the hate shown to Trump etc. You hate anyone who stands for morals. The brothers are the greatest Christian men there is. I love them. They have hearts that are pure gold. They inspire me and I'm a Pastor. I'm not impressed easily, but these guys are real. You actually feel God around them and in them. They turn the world on with their smiles. Great men of integrity and Generals of honor.

  24. They lie about everyone who won't do anymore for them. They are mbers of several churches- they use them up and move on to the next.

    1. They don't move from church to church. They actually help churches. They don't really need a pastor their ministry is well established and booked all over the world. They choose to support all churches in their area as ministries should. They have never used any church bit built the churches. It must be hard to be in so much demand and be everything to everyone. I sure wouldn't want to be that. Everyone wants a piece of them. So sad. They are evangelists like I am. I can't belong to just one church when I minister in all of them week after week.

  25. Their followers are women and they are the leaders like a cult if you don't do what they say they tell you you aren't a good person, and their pictures are too provocative to be ministers.

  26. Be careful people! The Bible warns of false prophets.
    And liars.
    Wolves in sheep's clothing.

    1. Yes the Bible warns about that and as Erik Estrada put it on their radio show he said they serve God faithfully cause it is their DNA. Erik and the twins love each other and you could hear it in their voices on their successful radio show. They are not wolves in sheep's clothing but the wolves are the liars posting against them.

  27. I have been friends with the brothers for 20+ years. No one is perfect but at the end of the day they arent these horrible people you make them out to be. Yes, one of the twins has looser lips than the other but dont we all at times? And as far as the comment of all the money going into their pockets from love offerings and whatnot...THAT is completely not true. I know for a fact they make sure others are paid first before they pay themselves. I agree ministers should be held to higher standards and I have seen a change in them since their Mom and Grandma passed but I count it to stressors of realizing how the world lives after being sheltered for so long. I dunno. I just think they are getting a bad wrap. And I know that a lot of the disgruntled people are upset because something unbecoming in THEIR past or their present behavior came to light and in order to protect the ministry they had to distance themselves in a work way and those people took it personally. I think if everyone cleaned up their own yards before trying to clean others this world would be a much better place.

    1. If you were a true friend you would have sincere concerns for these two and try to "help" them rather than "defend" them. And NO, they DO NOT make sure others get paid, as I did so much work for those two and NEVER received ANYTHING. To say they are ignorant, sheltered little boys in grown mens bodies, totally brain washed, mind warped and not allowed to grow up, at the hands of their mother and grandmother is a HUGE understatement. Are they guilty of all of the stuff above that people have accused them of, YES, they are. But the sad part about this entire story is that they are too IGNORANT to even know it, and I fully believe that they think they are doing right. I don't think either Brian or Shawn has an evil heart, however, they are mentally stunted and never learned how to be adults, live in reality and support themselves. Dealing with them is sincerely like dealing with children, as they have no concept of independence, or have any desire/ability to take care of themselves as grown adult men. I was friends with them for years, they can't operate without one another, and surround themselves with woman who cater to them, as that's all they know. Again, if you're their friend "help" them, and don't discount the damage and hurt they have caused others. You can't gloss over what they have done to people and will continue to do. My post isn't to bash Brian and Shawn, it's to warn others not to fall victim to them.

    2. I've known the guys since I was 8. In my 40's now. I believe that they lost their way. I am not surprised by many of these comments. But I am saddened. I have watched their father break his bank and his body doing for their ministry only to see them ask for more. I have watched them use peoples time and resources but give them no credit. I have seen the gossip and back stabbing as well. I loved these guys like family years ago. Until I witnessed their ministry turn from glorifying good, to glorifying themselves. They have becime mire interested in being famous than they are interested in ministering. I do however believe that they believe in ministry. They have just allowed it to become secondary. Their mother was a very Godly woman. She knew things there is no way she should have been able to know. But she sort of crippled the boys from being able to live adult lives. Very sad.

    3. The Brothers are doing great and busy with many projects. They even have Hollywood stars working with them on their radio show... Dolly Parton is even in their show and the whose who of Hollywood. You all are jealous. Now go back to your pitiful lives.

    4. Someone posted a lie about them with Bruce Jenner on here. They show concern for all people. This site was attacking the brothers for being part of the Tea Party. They were part of that because they stand For having God in this country. They aren't against people. This is a free nation. The brothers have been good to the gays and blacks and all people. When they show compassion for Bruce Jenner they are introuble with a poster here. If they come against Bruce Jenner that are introuble. These guys haven't come against anyone and they aren't part of the Tea Party anymore. They have only one agenda and it is to stand for God. We should all do the same. They love all people. The reach out to all folks and let love be their focus. That is why do many celebs have been on their radio show. If they were nasty they sure wouldn't have the support that have. Stop and think about it.

    5. The person who claims to be their friend since 8 years old is lying. I'm the brothers cousin and they were sick and didn't have friends when they were young because they could not go to school. So that person is lying. The brothers are the most godly beautiful souls on God's earth. I know them better than anyone. These hater posts are liars and have posted here to destroy good moral men who have more love in their pinky then any of you have in your entire body. Lindsay Wagner the actress said it best... their mom could not carry 4 babies so God had to put all that love in two amazing men. It's truth. They are love and goodness. They would never harm a soul. I have had to minister to them because they want to help everyone. They cry for others. They hurt for others. They are the best people and I am proud of them and so hurt to see lies on here about the 2 most beautiful souls I know. You who hate them are upset because you can't use and abuse them anymore. Or can't marry them. Every one has claimed God told them to marry the guys. The guys have dated the most beautiful ladies but they remain single because they could never travel like they do if they had families. Just as one of these haters said they couldn't travel because they have families. You all are jokes. You use that excuse and blame the brothers for everything. When the brothers truly are too much in demand to settle down. I love them beyond words. The entire family is scandal free so stop trying to destroy good people with ni hidden agenda but their agenda has always been for Jesus and to make the world better through love, joy and peace.

    6. All I can say for sure is that something just isn't right with them and for sure their singing is awful; they are tone deaf. They are trying to be sexual in their performance and that is definitely wrong. If they were women, they would have already been called out on their appearance. Just sayin'

  28. In helping a friend find information about the Brothers, I was surprised to see these posts because they are so dead on. I chose to post anonymous because I would be easily identified by the Brothers and their fans. I had known the Brothers for years and had met them several times. They have a REAL problem with anyone who doesn't follow their thoughts and beliefs to a T. If you challenge them then they are worse than Christian Scientists. They label you as subversive and not a true Christian. They accuse you of not following the same God they do and you are cut from their circle. I was raised Chriostian but to ask questions and to challenge. They don't respond well to this. They want robots - no one who is a free thinker.

    1. I like how they did "a teaching" on Bruce Jenner needing prayers, but its ok for them to wear makeup and women's clothes. Hmmm....

    2. You are completely wrong about them. I know them personally, and I am a gay atheist. They have never been anything but open, and kind ,And accepting as friends.

    3. Haha That is funny. Lies... Lies... Lies. The Brothers except all people. They are so kind and their reputation speaks such volumes to all. They take hrs ministering to people and loving people. I hear they maybe doing some things with Dolly Parton. Dolly is a lady who loves all people too. That is a perfect combo to have her with them on anything. It would be love all around.

  29. Scary people. They try to infiltrate Christian peoples lives, then lie about them once people catch on to their questionable ways. They try to be destructive, but don't matter enough to make much of an impact. Don't worry people. If this is done this to you, only their handful of cult members will believe them. And these are typically emotionally needy, unhealthy people who need a constant flow of flattery from who they think are celebrities of some sort. They will say they love you, you're the greatest person on the planet, as long as you're doing something for them. And if you aren't giving to their "ministry" then you are evil and have demons.
    They are rapidly losing whatever credibility they ever had, and now have to hire bigger artists to sponge attention off of. If these two "ministers" book in your church, beware! They sometimes have ladies laying on the floor during their folly.
    And as always, "we are under spiritual attack" when someone speaks the truth of it. Come on bros-wheres your response? I'm certain you are arrogant enough to google yourselves and see these posts. How about we all discuss it like Christians should?

    1. You people who are posting against the brothers are the biggest liars I have ever seen. You all are hiding in the shadows as the devil in your lies. These two brothers have loved everyone and helped everyone. God is blessing them in so many ways in both the music arena and hollywood. They are flourishing... and you are jealous cause you never were able to stop them.

    2. Stop them? I hope they go on and on! The longer they're at it, the more people learn about the dark side and what to avoid! Plus, it's disgustingly amusing.

    3. Good be amused as you will hate and keep on hating. The brothers don't need your approval they have God's approval. They have won many souls including Hollywood's stars to Jesus. Why would they need your approval when they got much better approval then you a no name who is probably a singer who tried to get famous on their coat tails. You two face liar. You coward behind not putting your name on here. But as I pointed out the brothers have celebrities bragging on them every radio show a different celeb says stuff like this is in the guys DNA living and giving themselves to the Lord's work. They have also said these guys are the two most real and genuine hearts and souls they ever met. So keep laughing cause inside you are being eaten alive by here for their goodness and your evil ways.

  30. You know as I see it here there are more "Christian Hypocrites" than true Christians posting here. As a serious journalist for many years I can tell you that attacks like this are usually caused by one person who is seeking to destroy people because they didn't get their way in a certain situation. Now I too have met the brothers at a very prestigious awards broadcast and I too thought that maybe they were a bit out there. However, people's personalities play into a large part of the industry and I am very much aware of where this comes from and how far it can go. The thing that bothers me the most here is that people are tearing these guys down and doing it anonymously? Have the nuts to put your name there! I don't care if they know you or not. If you are going to have the nerve to write something or speak your piece about someone then have the balls to own what you are saying. Otherwise you are no better than what you are accusing them of! The Christian community is one of the fakest and evil communities any one person can be involved in. If Christ came back today the Christians would start a blog and crucify Him before He ever got one word out. You are ALL hypocrites and you should be ashamed of yourselves for doing shit like this! You call yourselves righteous but I call you whores. You call yourselves saved and I call you lost. The person who started this thread did so with the hopes and intentions of doing harm. If you didn't like the way these two sound then turn off the tv or radio, but don't go around posting stuff that for all intents and purposes is being used to tear someone down with. I can't help but wonder about all of you "anonymous" people and your private lives. I wonder if we set up an anonymous account to talk about what we may or may not know about you, how well would you handle it? Would you think it's fair or just? Hell no you wouldn't! So think because the method in which you judge you are also GUILTY!! Nuff said.

  31. This is all a joke, right? Are these guys trying to be a Christian version of Borat? It appears that they've even got some credible (now formerly) CCM artists to play along. Strange.

    1. Artists of all genres will go wherever they get paid to go. I could pay Eminem to come for a weenie roast in my yard and he would.

    2. You all are pathetic jealous people. Disgrunted former team mates or women who wanted to grab hold of the brothers coat tails. Go back to the hell you all came from.

  32. My wife and i worked with the boys on several occasions. They never tried to scam us and we knew there was no pay involved. We just had fun doing shows with them. No problems. we understood their past and knew it was rough but again...they never hurt us. I saw women cling like crazy to them...wanting some lasting relationship but that was pretty much on them. By the way, we haven't had any contact with them for years but when we were with them we just had fun helping their shows, They went their way... we went ours

    1. What's your name?

    2. You crack me up. Saying what's your name? Who the hell are you? What is your name. You can see what kind of crazy people are posting against the brothers. Plain stupid, jealous, demonic, and liars. Enough said you are too pitiful to address. It's over you lost. You never became famous of the brothers. You have to face you never will and leave them alone. This site shows that these brothers get attention because they have star qualities. No one put together a site about the former team or any of the women scorned. Cause not one of you are worth talking about. The brothers must be doing God's work to be bad mouthed like you have done here. Only famous folks get talked about this much. You all are nothing in life.

  33. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. ^^^^Please don't miss their Charlie's Angels reference here!
      (But then posted under Kama's name below on the same date!) Cracks me up. Come on guys. Time to step up yo game.

    2. You are an evil jezebel... your name is Galownia and you try to destroy these guys all the time. Get over them. They are over you. You have sent out emails, tried to call people, put up sites, and done every backstabbing thing you could to them. You must be a very sick person to continue to be so jealous that you will stop at nothing. Start focusing all your attention on fixing your miserable life. You are a singer who couldn't make it so you grabbed good of them and realized you were not ministry material when you made fun of praying and said stupid things on a regular basis. Go talk to the evil spirits in your home that you allow your children to play with. Those spirits have taken you over. You need delivered and your life needs to be set free from destroying people like the twins and like your mother in law.

  34. I have written three posts and someone keeps deleting my posts here. These guys are great men. You should be ashamed for posting them here. I worked for them for six years and never had any issues with them. They have huge hearts of gold. I left their ministry because I couldn't deal with the evil folks they dealt with. I saw women throwing themselves at these two. Trying to seduce the twins by giving money for sexual favors which the guys never returned or asked for. The twins are truly men of integrity. Women always would give them words saying God wants one of the brothers to marry this woman and the other brother to marry their girlfriend. They showed up in wedding gowns. I also watched the brothers help local artists and be backstabbed by those same folks out of jealousy. Those are the real folks who should be on here. The twins pray with folks, give funds to every one who needs it and are always the last ones to ever get paid. They really have huge hearts. I would tell them often to stop trusting these people and it always ended up the same way. I was at concerts where their team were so narsistic that they were all about themselves while the brothers were praying over folks. That team would be throwing their eyes up making fun of handicaps and cussing the brothers out. They were only with the twins for fame and once they saw it wasn't happening they wanted to destroy the brothers. I know the posters here are some of the women scorned and some of the team that will stop at nothing to destroy two great guys. I am upset I posted two different times and was taken down. You don't want the truth here but a bunch of lies. All you are posting without names because the brothers can take you to court. The devil hides in the shadows of lies and that is what you all have done. The brothers wouldn't hurt anyone... that is why you all continue to try to destroy their good works. One day you will all pay for slander. The brothers have done well without you all. They have won awards, traveled the world been on all the major tv network in Christian tv, did a tv pilot for a major network for a reality show... They work with Grammy and dove award winners on a regular basis and are being sought after by these folks. They have won favor with Hollywood folks and have a hit radio show. They give to children's charities and are two of the most fun guys with integrity I have ever met. I love them and you people need to get lives and stop all your jealousy. You didn't get discovered, you can't ride their coat tails anymore and they aren't marrying you evil women.

    1. They have won awards that no other nominees were up for, they had to nominate themselves, they were on tv in the 80's where they are still stuck, their pilot sucked and was an embarrassment, and they have to beg for money to pay these stars to sing with them. Let me guess, you are also a single, never been married woman that thinks the brothers are in love with you. How much money do you give to them? How much stuff do you help them with for free? They aren't marrying for a reason.....not because women are evil. You'll wise up eventually when you get tired of being taken advantage of.

    2. You are a liar and a jealous evil person... you are a chicken. The brothers never nominated themselves they were nominated by their peers and have won favor with Hollywood and CCM. You hate them cause they have even Dolly Parton loving them she is doing their radio show. Cheryl Ladd, Joe Penny, Lindsay Wagner, Erik Estrada, Pat Boone, Kevin Sorbo, Corbin Bernsen, Clifton Davis, and the list goes on and on... you need to get a life and stop your jealousy cause no one believes your rants. You will die as a bitter hateful no body. The brothers have been asked by CCM artists to be a part of their shows. They are in demand and selling out audiences traveling throughout the U.S. they are amazing pure hearted men. The brothers reality show was loved and the reality channels are still trying to get them to do something... but the brothers want a variety show or talk show. So stop lying cause you do not know anything. And all their success is destroying you.

    3. Btw. The Gaithers pay these same singers to sing with them too. So you are crazy to even go there with your jealousy. Russ taff, Phil keaggy, dino kartsonakis, Michael english, Leon patillo, John schlitts, evie, Scott Wesley brown, all award winning artists and the list goes on... same with the Hollywood folks. The brothers have always been amazing friends and won favor with all. So the real losers are the ones lying here.

    4. You poor misguided'll eventually catch on when it effects you. If you'll notice the brothers are the common denominator in all these scenarios. They've gone though various "teams", but there's no twin in team. It's always about them. If you want to believe that they are doing this for anyone other than themselves, then I'll pray for your discernment and enlightenment. Apparently, we're all evil because the brothers have deemed it so because we do not follow them blindly and have the sense to think for ourselves. We have spouses, children, jobs and permanent churches. I think we will be ok without their "blessing".

    5. You Anonymous people make me laugh. The brothers have never lost a friend except those who wanted to use them and abuse them because all of their friends have been with them forever and will forever love them. They are the most loveable honest men of integrity there is. God's favor rests on them... miracles have taken place in their ministry. i WAS ONE OF THE PEOPLE SICK AND DYING OF CANCER, THEY PRAYED AND i AM HEALED. They have been there through it all with me and my husband. Everyone I know loves them and their hearts are pure. You all who keep posting is the group they once sang with. They have never had a band except one group and that group are as evil as hell to try and destroy them because the brothers are the real deal. You can't find anyone who knows them that hates except those who are now at the bottom because they were jealous of the brothers and still are. My husband was in the hospital and no one came to see him but the brothers. They have never asked for money, everything they do is for everyone else. You people are devils and the Bible says that His true People will be hated for no reason, they would be lied about, mocked and people will try to destroy them because they are the lights in the world for Jesus. That's a promise and it shows on this page. The brothers are truly His and you people from their old band are evil. I could name each of you but God's going to get you. He already has with all the great things the Chrisagis Brothers are doing. They are the biggest and most popular recording artists in the tri-state area. They now travel worldwide and people from Hollywood and Christian Music are banging down their doors because the brothers are true and loving and are the light for Jesus. You all would of been the ones who killed Jesus on the cross too. You are devils and it shows in all you are writing. Beware because God's wrath will come upon you. His blessings are evident in the Brothers... everything they touch turns to gold and you all know it.

    6. Wow. "You all would of been the ones who killed Jesus on the cross too."
      (I thought we all did.)
      "God's going to get you."
      (That's bad juju.)
      I'd almost swear this post came from one of the twins- this is definitely something they would say.

      This is exactly how they are- and those defending them are only proving the points of everyone else.
      For future reference, if they offer you a trip of a lifetime because a comet is coming, don't do it.

  35. My name is Debbie, I worked for the brothers for 8 years. I love them beyond words. This entire website is a joke. The Chrisagis Brothers are the two greatest Christian men I've ever known. They live what they preach and are godly examples to all. In the time I worked with them, they never lost their temper, they showed God's love to all, they would help everyone that needed help. You all are upset because you can't imagine two guys that are truly that good and sweet so you you have to make it up. Every person that has been a friend of theirs remains a friend because you can't help but love everything about them. Those who are haters on here were never friends but after all that the Chrisagis Brothers could do for them. The Chrisagis Brothers will always be blessed beyond limits because they are real servants of God and people. I was their first assistant. I would see them get exhausted because they never stopped helping people. They would get phone calls even at 3 am from people wanting to commit suicide. They went out and saved those people holding them until they would calm down. They have hearts of God and hearts like their parents and grandparents. They have had the most amazing loving family. Their mom and grandmotherwas the greatest ladies I ever knew. They took in strangers and fed them, they loved people and ministered to them all Jesus. Their Dad still helps everybody (biggest heart around) and he supports their ministry with money at times as any parent would who loves their children and the Lord. Their mom walked in healing anointing. People were healed of all kinds of sickness and diseases... their brother Anthony who they look at as their hero they have never stopped being close with. Check each cd they do. Their family has meant everything to them. Their brother has one of the greatest voices and hearts. This page is just lies to discredit two men who touch lives daily for Jesus. Even the greatest recording artists adore them and Hollywood legends. Two guys from Ohio and the tri-state area have more favor and have gained more lI've and respect them most of us ever will because they are true love and examples of Christ. You all are bullies, the brothers real friends will always love them as I do. People don't have 35 years of ministry without making enemies because the Gospel is not easy to digest for many of you... most ministries fold within 10 years if not sooner. Theirs is stronger than ever. So no more nonsense about two guys who the area needs and loves.

  36. Pastor David OlsenApril 21, 2017 at 9:51 PM

    This is the funniest website ever. Two of the most dynamic Christian men the world has today is being attacked by 3 evil people from their old group that have no Christian values and no heart for God. The phonies are not the Chrisagis Brothers but those they put in their group 6 years ago because the brothers believed those people were Christian instead they got shocked with 3 to 4 devils in their group plus the mates of those people who wanted fame and great success on the brothers good name. This is what this is all about. The Brothers had to move on because God's anointing is all over them. When they Sing God shows up, everyone loves these guys... they are real and they won't leave a concert until every soul has been prayed with who came for prayer and everyone gets what they need. I have never met anyone like them. I am a Pastor and I know truth from lies. You all who hate them are just those same 3 to 4 people who are jealous. But God is moving through them, if I were you I would shut up because after they left you all to follow Jesus He has blessed them with great levels of success then I have ever seen. In 3 years you all are still nothing because God won't bless those who are evil but the Chrisagis Brothers are being blessed. They are now world-reknowned loved by every Christian Music Legend and Every Hollywood Legend... They are working on two TV shows, their life will soon be a big biography for TV, they have been on every Christian TV Network. They are booked in every state. They have been up for every award known to man, they won Best Duo, they had a reality TV pilot from A&E and they now may have another chance at reality TV if it be God's will. But if not it doesn't matter... no one in the Tri-State Ohio, West Virginia, and PA has never done all that they have done. They have a radio show with 6 million listeners... They are now branching off into a TV variety series. They even have done their own plush toys for kids, designed an amusement park, done a playground for the mall... they know every Hollywood star and are traveling to Israel and doing concerts there. They are loved by the biggest names and respected by them all. All of their friends are life-long ones and everyone who knows them knows you all are nothing but liars who want to destroy them but you will destroy yourselves... If you want me to call you all out I can... R.R., J.G., B.W., etc... Everyone I know hails the brothers for their integrity and so do I. I have to say in the time when the church is falling apart the Brothers are two great men of Faith and pillars that hold the Body of Christ strong and they save all who are around them even Hollywood stars. They have Kingdom reputation and their blessings to the world. They don't have riches but they have won thousand to Jesus Christ. What have you all won??? Nothing but a place in hell for trying to destroy God's men. I have watched them through the years and everyone is better for knowing them.

    1. The only kind of "pastors" I know who would talk about sending people to hell are the C brothers.
      You guys almost had me fooled for a second.

    2. By the way, I'm a male. I'm a female. I'm a blonde, red headed brunette. I'm bald. I'm fat. I'm thin. I'm a single parent, married mother, or father. I'm from OH, PA, WV, NY, IN, and every other place you've been.
      The fact is, you've screwed so many people you just can't be sure who I am, can you? (Actually, I can say WE since this thread was started long ago and obviously I'm not alone, now.)
      It's sad, though, thinking that if you did post under other people's names, you made them look like complete idiots, too. So angry. So bitter. Yeah- the truth hurts. And it's a matter of time before another person puts their thoughts and opinions here just to warn others of the dangers that are the Chrisagis Brothers.

  37. You haters are liars and these brothers are still moving forward while you all need a life. The post was started by someone who didn't know the brothers and since then you few that hate them out of jealousy keep posting its been four yrs since you miserable Backstabbers have been out of their lives. You can't move forward you losers are watching these guys have their dreams come true with both Hollywood and the Christian music arena. You lay at wake plotting their demise and in reality you all need to get over it and move on. The former team of theirs were at a revival that I was at and they acted better than everyone else and had their hearts so full of pride it was disgusting. I was like these people should go make money in bars and stop trying to make the church trust your demonic trio.

  38. I can not believe that the Ron Retzer trio continues to do evil against thsee godly brothers. Why don't you just stop. God says don't touch His anointed and that is what you all are doing. You are jealous of the brothers great favor, their pure love and goodness. They have blessed the world with their ministry and goodness. You all try to accuse them of stuff that you all do. As I see it this is slander and the brothers should get a lawsuit against you all. But they ate two guys that would never hurt anyone. I have been a supporter of theirs forever and watched them through the years be faithful and continue serving God and others. There has never been better guys that I know of. They are God's holy vessels and because of that you hate them. Just as Franklin Graham is hated in this day and age for being a man of God. Those in darkness hate the light as you three hate the brothers. It's pitiful actually because you all could be affective in your music but will never be because God's anointing is not on you. You all walk in hate and deception so you will never truly be blessed. The brothers are set apart, there is no one that knows them that can hate them. It is an honor to even be near them. You can see Jesus in them and feel Him around them. Christian music legends and Hollywood legends adore them because they are the real deal. I just heard them in concert and their anointing is more powerful then it even was before. They don't know a stranger, they minister to homeless shelters, nursing homes, hospitals and day cates and everyone loves them. So go away and find a life that is not to destroy two of God's greatest Ambassadors.

    1. This is really sad for a pastor. you are idol worshipping hear and anyone can see that this post is evil and full of hatred

  39. I am a gay man and this bulling of the Chrisagis Brothers needs to stop. You all are scum. The brothers have been good to me. I have Aids and they have loved me through it and given me Jesus. You people need to stop because it shows that you all are just evil. I have been bullied all my life and thought of suicide many times, the twins have been my saving grace. They created a plush toy called whozee whatzit that changed my life. It told me that no matter who or what I am or think I am that I am a child of God. They saved my life and you all are scum for trying to destroy them. They have given me life again even with Aids and I am greatful. No other Christians have showed me Jesus not even my own family. I love the brothers and so does the rest of the world.

  40. The Christogusts brothers have served the Lord and helped others all their lives. That is their legacy. But your miserable people who are posting love discord and hate. You live to destroy good and it will destroy you all because of your jealousy. Let's face it you are no good.

    And I ain't talking about no girls

  42. Well the tramp that sang with them and seduced the other guys in a group they formed was a walking Camel Toe. She was the big manly looking red head with a voice she tried to say she was Karen Carpenter or Barbara Striesand. The woman needed picked up for looking bad and needs a white jacket for insanity.

    1. Hahaha! Are you guys serious? You do know that people can look her up on the Internet and see for themselves don't you? OMG.

    2. I just looked her up. She is a man or an ape. Not sure.

    3. Definitely a man. You can see it and hear it. The brothers see things regular people can't see. I'm glad they're away from the he/she.

  43. Hey, Douchey McDouchebags, either you two are gossiping and lying to your friends and family who are also spewing your lies here, or these are all you posting the lies yourselves. Plus- lying using your friends names? So which is it? Either way is total douchebaggery.

  44. hahahaha somebody finally called you guys out.

  45. All this love here for the brothers. Warms my heart. Now, go donate if you believe in their life changing ministry. Go on now. Time's a wasting. They're really going places but need your help to get there. They need more money to heal and save lives, give their life-changing testimonies, etc. All y'all posting these wonderful accolades about them, it's time to step up. Dig deep!

    1. All the ministries are having their supporters find them. Carman made millions doing it and saying he has cancer twice. Other artists are all having a fund me page. So stop picking on them and see that anyone who is in ministry today has it. You all need to wake up and pick on others instead of these men. You are nuts to even go there.

  46. There's a picture they posted of themselves and it says their eyes were puffy from all the camera flashes. That's how famous they are. Everybody wants them. And waitresses have to get their pictures taken with them. I'm getting a job where they go. And that's probably why they wear sunglasses all the time so people don't recognize them and see that light in them or else people would try to steal it. Or from the camera flashes all the time.

  47. They are amazing. Just amazing. If you haven't seen them at least once you need to go and see for yourself. You'll be amazed. Take a friend so they can be amazed too. You won't believe it. Then come back and read these comments. You'll be amazed all over again.

  48. These guys are the real deal. I have met them several times in concert their hearts are bigger than Texas. They are loved by legends in Hollywood and in music. They just draw folks in by their realness and their fau th that is undying. The world needs more of these two wonderful men.

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