Friday, August 26, 2011

Gay Marriage Responsible For Earthquake

But wasn't the earthquake in VA?

Christian Warrior Arrested

Oregon: The 24-year-old man being held in last year’s firebombing of an Oregon mosque ranted about Muslims and referred to himself as a “Christian warrior”.

Cody Crawford was arrested Wednesday night in the Nov. 28 firebombing in Corvallis. He was indicted on charges of damaging religious property for racial reasons, which is a hate crime, and using fire to commit a felony.

Court documents show that three weeks after the mosque firebombing, in unrelated encounters with police, Crawford ranted about Muslims, said Christians are capable of jihad and told an officer he resembled President Barack Obama.

Read More: Cody Crawford

“You look like Obama. You are a Muslim like him. Jihad goes both ways. Christians can jihad too,” a court document quotes Crawford as telling a McMinnville officer.

The End Is Near

Zeus Smites Church In Alabama

Love Jesus?...Prove it

Pastor Accused Of Molesting Two Boys

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Pat Robertson Spews Again

I thought Obama was the anti-christ.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Perry Claims That Climate Change Is A Conspiracy

And that scientists have manipulated data.

This is the same man who thought the solution to Texas' drought was to pray for rain.

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Cleric Breaks 7-Year-Old’s Leg

Pakistan: According to residents of Vehari’s Ghara Mor village, a local prayer leader tortured a seven-year-old student for forgetting the words to a surah.
Busti Sheikhan Wali resident Muhammad Mumtaz’s son Muhammad Adnan, 7, was memorizing the Quran at a mosque. On Friday, several of Adnan’s class mates said that he kept forgetting one verse of a surah and cleric Muhammad Latif beat him with a stick. “He then hung the boy upside down from a tree and beat him while screaming at him to recite the verses properly,” said Mansoor Shah, who was also present at the

Read More: Muhammad Latif

Adnan’s father was informed of the incident and came to the Vehari DHQ hospital, where doctors told him that Adnan’s leg was broken. “The boy has suffered severe bruises and some internal injuries. His left leg has been broken and we cannot re-set the bones,” said Dr Altaf Momin.

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Pint-Sized Preachers

On Wednesday at 10 p.m. ET, the National Geographic Channel will air “pint-sized-preachers” a documentary looking inside the controversial world of child evangelists and the families who watch over them.

The hour long documentary tells the stories of three young boys who have gained notoriety for their explosive sermons and, in one case, a self-proclaimed power to heal the sick with a single touch.

Friday, August 19, 2011

Rick Perry's College Transcripts

Rick Perry's Texas A&M Transcript is now available online. He was a pre-vet student in college? This is a fellow wobbling between a C- and a C+ average from term to term...2.83 cumulative, according to my calculations...and pulled a D in "Principles of Economics".

Check it out

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Mennonite Serial Rape Trial

Bolivia: Katarina Wall remembers little about the worst night of her life. She recalls waking up in her bed, seeing a man on top of her and feeling her arms too heavy to lift in resistance. The next thing she knew, it was morning — but her pajamas were torn.

But the nightmare appears to be all too real. Wall is among 130 women and girls of the Mennonite colony in Manitoba Colony, who claim that from 2005 to '09, the same cloudy horror visited them. In a criminal trial now under way in nearby Santa Cruz, Peter Weiber, 48, a Mennonite veterinarian, is accused of transforming a chemical meant to anesthetize cows into a spray to be used on humans. For four years, Weiber and eight other Mennonite men allegedly sprayed the chemical through bedroom windows in Manitoba at night, sedating entire families and raping the females.

Read More: Mennonite Rapes

The formal indictments list victims ages 8 to 60 years old, including one who is mentally retarded and another who was pregnant and sent into premature labor after allegedly being raped by one of the men — her brother.

Perry Claims Texas Schools Teach Creationism

New Hampshire: Texas Gov. Rick Perry told a child questioner today that Texas public schools teach creationism alongside evolution — a statement that state education experts are refuting in varying degrees.

“No, it is not true," said Kathy Miller, president of the Texas Freedom Network. "Texas science standards do not call for teaching creationism in the classroom."

David Bradley, a social conservative member of the State Board of Education, said he hadn't heard the governor's comments. But when asked if Texas schools teach creationism alongside evolution, Bradley responded: "Not specifically."

Pastor Found Guilty Of Medicare Fraud

California: On Tuesday, a jury found Pastor Christopher Iruke, his wife and an employee who worked for the couple guilty of healthcare fraud and conspiracy to commit fraud in a scheme that involved more than $14 million in illegitimate Medicare claims.

Authorities said Iruke and associates often supplied power wheelchairs to Medicare patients perfectly capable of walking on their own —including one who did jumping jacks to show agents he never needed one. Also among the patients Iruke and his associates filed reimbursement claims for were two people who were deceased, according to court papers.

Read More: Christopher Iruke

After purchasing the wheelchairs at about $900 wholesale and paying for the prescriptions, he pocketed the remainder of about $6,000 in taxpayer money he received as Medicare reimbursements, according to court documents. In all, Iruke's companies filed for $14.2 million in claims and received about $6.6 million in reimbursements.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Priest Offered Sex To 13-Year-Old

A popular Berlin priest admitted to police that he initiated lurid conversations with a 13-year-old boy on Facebook and by text message over several months, according to a warrant for his arrest released Tuesday.

The Rev. Michael Miller also told investigators he offered twice to commit sex acts with the boy who he met at St. Paul’s Church in Berlin, where the priest has served  since 2006, and had other conversations of a sexual nature with the boy.
Read More: Michael Miller
According to the warrant, Miller repeatedly engaged the young teen in sexually explicit conversations on the social networking site and via texting that included graphic descriptions of the acts he’d like to commit with the boy and other men. The priest also allegedly admitted to the boy he was bisexual in high school and was “addicted to porn” .

Can You Tell The GOP Candidates Apart?

Match the quote to the candidate...from our friends at def shepherd.

Nearly all of the 2012 hopefuls are desperately courting the religious right, and as such their stances on social issues are virtually indistinguishable.

On to the quiz...

Spare The Rod, Spoil The Child

Monday, August 15, 2011

The Book Of Mormon On Broadway

Helping Muslims Follow Christ

Gospel for Muslims, Inc. is a Christian organization dedicated to bringing hope to the 1.3 billion Muslims around the world by helping Muslims follow Christ!

Gospel For Muslims

Our mission is to glorify God by helping Muslims follow Christ...because they obviously picked the wrong religion.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

It's Shit Like This Fox...

Irresponsible and potentially dangerous propaganda from Fox "news".

From our friends @ Christian Nightmares

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Warren Jeffs Sentenced To Life In Prison

Texas: A Texas jury Tuesday sentenced polygamist sect leader Warren Jeffs to the maximum possible prison term of life plus 20 years for sexually assaulting two underage girls he chose to be part of his 78-wife harem.

The Tom Green County jury deliberated 40 minutes before returning the punishment, for one count of sexual assault of a child and one count of aggravated sexual assault of a child. The girls were 12 and 15 years old.

Read More: Warren Jeffs

The 55-year-old "prophet" of the Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints wasn't present for closing arguments and his defense attorneys said they had been instructed to remain silent. In the penalty phase of the trial his attorney, Deric Walpole, called no witnesses, presented no evidence and gave no closing argument.

Pastor Filmed Girls While They Showered

Texas: Using a hidden video camera, a Texas man filmed four naked, honey-drenched teenage girls while they showered at a church where he worked as a youth pastor.

But since the statute of limitations has already expired, prosecutors today were forced to dismiss felony charges lodged against Thomas Fortenberry, who allegedly did the surreptitious filming in November 2007 at the Greater Harvest Community Church in Pasadena.

The 30-year-old Fortenberry, investigators alleged, organized a “Fear Factor” game that included honey being poured over four girls he had picked to participate. After the contest, Fortenberry instructed the minors that they “could take a shower and wash the honey” off their bodies.

Read More: Thomas Fortenberry

It was at this point that he allegedly videotaped the four teenagers with a camera he had hidden in the church bathroom.

Friday, August 5, 2011

Pastor Posed As 18 Year Old Girl On Facebook lure boys to send him nude pics.

Jeffs Walks Out Of Sentencing

Texas: A polygamist sect leader convicted of child sexual assault walked out of his sentencing hearing in protest Friday, after reading a statement he claimed was from God. The statement promised a "whirlwind of judgment" on the world if God's "humble servant" wasn't set free.

Jeffs is the head of the Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, one of the largest fundamental Mormon denominations. FLDS members see Jeffs as a prophet who is God's spokesman on Earth.

The FLDS Church follows some of the original Mormon doctrine including plural marriage, which states that a man having multiple wives is ordained by God; the doctrine requires it in order for a man to receive the highest form of salvation.

Video Courtesy of

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Warren Jeffs Guilty On All Counts

Texas: A Texas jury convicted polygamist sect leader Warren Jeffs of child sexual assault Thursday in a case stemming from two young followers he took as brides in what his church calls "spiritual marriages."

Prosecutors used DNA evidence to show Jeffs fathered a child with a 15-year-old girl and played an audio recording of what they said was him sexually assaulting a 12-year-old girl. They also played audio recordings in which Jeffs was heard instructing young women on how to please him sexually.

Jeffs stood mute and expressionless, staring at the floor, for all but a few seconds of the half hour he was allotted for a closing argument on Thursday. At one point he mumbled, "I am peace," and said no more.

Read More: Warren Jeffs

Jeffs has claimed he was the victim of religious persecution. The FLDS, which has at least 10,000 members nationwide, is an offshoot of mainstream Mormonism.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Church Child Protection Chief Caught With Kiddie Porn

A child protection official for the Catholic Church has been caught with 4,000 pictures of child porn.

Father-of-four Christopher Jarvis was arrested after uploading pictures of children being abused to a website. Jarvis, 49, a former social worker, was employed by the church following sex scandals about pervert priests.

His job was to monitor church groups to ensure paedophiles did not gain access to children in the church’s congregations.

Read More: Christopher Jarvis

But he was caught by police in March with more than 4,000 child porn images on his home computer and his work laptop.